weightless by marconi union

"This song is for Baby."

afro-cuban jazz crunk
2024-08-26 21:00:37

love and family

[Jazz drums and trumpet setting the mood]

In twilight's embrace, our love takes flight
A dance of souls in the velvet night
Whispers of forever in our gaze
Our eternal spark sets hearts ablaze

Syncopated rhythms entwine our fate
A melody of love that can't abate

Burning bright, this fire we ignite
Unyielding, unwavering, bathed in light
Our symphony plays on, a siren's call
Together we stand, never to fall

[Saxophone solo weaving through emotions]

Through trials and triumphs side by side
Every obstacle with you I'll stride
In your eyes the promise I see clear
This eternal spark shall never veer

Harmony blossoms in every rhyme
Our connection transcends space and time

Each note an echo of vows unspoken
In this bond unbreakable yet unbroken

Flames of passion refuse to die
As long as together we soar high

[Piano keys fading into the night]



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About afro-cuban jazz crunk Song