wotowoto seasoning

"This song is for Baby."

afro-cuban jazz crunk
2024-08-26 20:57:05

love and family

[Intro: Afro-Cuban Jazz Crunk]
In the twilight's tender sway
We dance in our eternal play

Stars echo the love we share
Whispers of a bond so rare

[Pre-Chorus: Stirring Instrumental Break]
Time surrenders to our flame
Hearts aflame, neither tame

[Chorus: Searing Embrace]
Eternal embrace, bold and true
Soul's dance in me and you

[Interlude: Soothing Piano Melody]
Melodies of our forever chase
In each other's arms we grace

Whispers carried by the breeze
Unending love with ease

[Pre-Chorus: Building Momentum]
Passion blooms like vibrant flowers
Bridging worlds, igniting powers

[Chorus: Never-ending Love Affair]
Embrace eternal, never-ending light
Together in love's endless flight

[Bridge: Intense Drum Beats]
Beating hearts sound destiny’s call
Our love conquers time’s thrall

[Chorus: Unbreakable Bond]
Infinite connection never to sever
Eternal embrace... us, forever

[Outro: Soulful Saxophone Harmony]


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