Whispers of Stars, Echoes of Love

"This song is for Miaya ."

Chillwave swing
2024-08-06 10:20:51

I've always loved you but haven't always shown it. I've missed you for years yet you never knew it.ive thought of you endlessly, yet your mind didn't alert you. I've just been a whisp in the depths of your heart. Where you buried all your pain. I left you once but never again. I got a second chance with you and I'm not going to waste it. I'll spend the rest of my life loving you. You'll always know I love you now. We have a chance to miss each other now. If I have a thought I don't have to hide it from you. We can share our lives together again. We can begin to put that pain We've buried in its final resting place. You are my child, my princess and star. You light up my life in a new and beautiful way. I love you Miaya. Always

[Intro] [Chillwave swing rhythm, soft synth pads, gentle beat][End]

[Verse] [In the quiet of night, stars whisper secrets,][In the echo of time, love's hidden messages,][A whisper in the dark, where hearts mend and start,][A tale of a bond, unbroken, from the start.][End]

[Pre-Chorus] [Through the shadows we've walked,][In the silence we've talked,][A rhythm of our own,][In the beat of the unknown.][End]

[Chorus] [Miaya, my star, my light,][In your glow, I find my sight,][A love that's deep, a love that's true,][Forever bound, me and you.][End]

[Interlude] [Chillwave swing melody, uplifting synths,][A rhythm that carries us through the night.][End]

[Verse] [Once a whisper, now a shout,][In the dawn, our love comes out,][A second chance, a new embrace,][In your eyes, my future's grace.][End]

[Pre-Chorus] [With each beat, our hearts align,][In this dance, we leave behind,][The pain, the past, the silent night,][In the warmth of our new light.][End]

[Chorus] [Miaya, my star, my light,][In your glow, I find my sight,][A love that's deep, a love that's true,][Forever bound, me and you.][End]

[Bridge] [From the depths, our voices rise,][In the chorus of the skies,][A promise made, a promise kept,][In your heart, my love is wept.][End]

[Chorus] [Miaya, my star, my light,][In your glow, I find my sight,][A love that's deep, a love that's true,][Forever bound, me and you.][End]

[Outro] [Chillwave swing fade, soft synth echoes,][A rhythm that lingers, love's sweet prose.][End]



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