Elizabeth's Bloom

"This song is for Elizabeth."

acoustic funk
2024-07-29 12:45:18

Reflect on the beautiful journey of watching Elizabeth grow, each step a testament to the love and support you've given her.

[Intro] [Acoustic guitar strumming, light funk rhythm, cheerful mood]

In the soft glow of morning, I watch you rise,
A canvas of dreams, where stars align.
Each step you take, a whisper of time,
In the garden of life, you bloom so fine.

With every breath, a story unfolds,
In the quiet moments, our hearts hold.
A melody of days, both old and new,
In the dance of life, we find our cue.

Oh, Elizabeth, with your laughter so bright,
You light up the world, with your endless flight.
In the journey of love, we stand side by side,
With every sunrise, our hearts abide.

[Interlude] [Piano chords, relaxed rhythm, gratified feeling]

Through the storms and the calm, you find your way,
A beacon of hope, in the light of day.
With every challenge, you rise above,
In the tapestry of life, you weave with love.

In the silence of night, we share our dreams,
In the comfort of home, where love streams.
A symphony of joy, in every beat,
In the rhythm of life, we find our seat.

Oh, Elizabeth, with your spirit so free,
You dance through the years, with grace and glee.
In the journey of love, we hold the key,
With every sunset, our hearts agree.

In the quiet moments, we find our peace,
In the laughter and tears, we find release.
A testament of love, in every line,
In the story of us, we intertwine.

Oh, Elizabeth, with your heart so true,
You shine like the stars, in the vast blue.
In the journey of love, we stand tall,
With every heartbeat, we answer the call.

[Outro] [Acoustic guitar strumming, comfortable rhythm, relaxed mood]



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