Heights and Depths: Praising the Lord's Glory

"This song is for Jeesus."

ambient house cajun
2024-08-31 22:17:30

Koko sydämestäni mä sua kiitän, sua mä soitollani ylistän. sua, en muita jumalia. Kumarrun pyhään temppeliisi päin ja kiitän sun nimeäsi armosi ja uskollisuutesi tähden. Suuri on sun nimesi, luja on antamasi lupaus. Kun huusin sua, sä vastasit, annoit sydämeeni voimaa ja rohkeutta. Herra, kiittäkööt sinua kaikki kuninkaat, kun he kuulevat, mitä sä sanot! Laulakoot Herran teistä, sillä Herran kunnia on suuri! Herra on korkeuksissa, mutta hän näkee alhaisimmankin ja erottaa jo etäältä ylpeän. Vaikka mä kuljen ahdingosta ahdinkoon, sä annat mulle voimaa elää. Vihamieheni tahtovat mulle pahaa, mutta sä ojennat kätesi, sun väkevä kätesi pelastaa mut. Minkä olet osalleni varannut, sen sä, Herra, viet päätökseen. Iäti kestää sun armosi. Ethän jätä kesken kättesi työtä!

[Intro] [Piano melody][Ambient house rhythm][Relaxed mood]

[Verse] [Jeesus, from the depths of my heart, I thank you,]
[I praise you with my music,]
[You, I have no other gods.]
[I bow towards your sacred temple]
[And praise your name]
[For your mercy and faithfulness.]

[Pre-Chorus] [Your name is great,]
[Your promise is strong.]
[When I called out to you, you answered,]
[Gave strength and courage to my heart.]

[Chorus] [Lord, let all kings praise you]
[When they hear what you say!]
[Sing of the Lord's deeds,]
[For the Lord's glory is great!]
[The Lord is in the heights,]
[Yet sees even the lowest]
[And discerns the proud from afar.]

[Interlude] [Cajun accordion][Ambient house rhythm][Cheerful mood]

[Verse] [Though I walk through the valley of deep distress,]
[You give me the strength to live.]
[My enemies wish me harm,]
[But you extend your hand,]
[Your mighty hand saves me.]

[Pre-Chorus] [What you have prepared for me,]
[You, Lord, will bring to completion.]
[Your mercy endures forever.]
[Do not abandon the work of your hands!]

[Chorus] [Lord, let all kings praise you]
[When they hear what you say!]
[Sing of the Lord's deeds,]
[For the Lord's glory is great!]
[The Lord is in the heights,]
[Yet sees even the lowest]
[And discerns the proud from afar.]

[Bridge] [In the midst of my enemies,]
[You are my strength and shield.]
[Your promises are my refuge,]
[Your love is my song.]

[Chorus] [Lord, let all kings praise you]
[When they hear what you say!]
[Sing of the Lord's deeds,]
[For the Lord's glory is great!]
[The Lord is in the heights,]
[Yet sees even the lowest]
[And discerns the proud from afar.]

[Outro] [Piano fadeout][Ambient house rhythm][Satisfied mood]



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