tshwala bami

"This song is for mike."

accordion delta blues
2024-08-28 20:27:34


[Intro: Accordion notes drifting like a whisper]
[Verse]In moonlit nights, you're my guardian star
Through life's swirls, you've been my shining spar
Like a prism of hope, in the dark you glow
My confidante in secrets that only we know

[Pre-Chorus]Twisting vines of time bind us close
In your laughter and tears, my heart chose

[Chorus]Mike, my guiding light afar
You're the beat within this heart bizarre
Together we dance on chaos' edge unbarred
In our bond, forever scarred and marred

[Interlude: Delta blues guitar softly strums]
[Verse]Memories woven like threads so fine
In your eyes, reflections intertwine
A weaving tapestry of love untold
Our story written in silver and gold

[Pre-Chorus]Through storms uncharted we both navigate
Hand in hand against the hand of fate

[Chorus]Mike, my rock amidst life's swirls
In your whispers are the world's pearls
On life's canvas painted with our scars
United as one beneath heaven's stars

[Bridge]Through trials and triumphs intertwined
Together forever bound by kind

[Chorus]Mike, guardian star above
Embracing fiercely sibling love
With you by my side through bliss or scar
We'll soar beyond all - near or far

[Outro: Accordion crescendo blending with delta blues]
The melody of our bond resonates clear,
Forever siblings without fear.


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