Oldies Station

"This song is for Ava."

EDM anti-folk
2024-08-12 21:03:02

love lost

[Intro: Soft piano chords, ethereal synth pads]

[Verse: Gentle strumming of an acoustic guitar]
In the whispers of dawn, where light and shadow dance,
A melody so soft, in Ava's eyes I glance.
Through seasons that turn like pages in a timeless book,
Our love stands firm against the changing look. [Pre-Chorus: Rising synth layers] Though worlds may spin away as moments slip through time's hand; Our hearts beat with a rhythm that defies this fleeting land. So let us hold on tight to what we know is true— For every whisper breathed by you becomes my only view! [Chorus: Powerful EDM drop with anti-folk elements ] Eternal echoes ringing out across this boundless night! While stars above bear witness to our endless flight... Forevermore together side by side under celestial light... Whispers Of Ava intertwine within my soul tonight!! [Interlude : Ambient electronic sounds mixed w/plucked strings ] …And as we sway beneath moonlit skies reflecting luminous hues - Feelings surge inside me like waves crashing into shores anew…… Passionate outbursts fueled by thoughts & dreams about YOU!!! [Bridge : Deep bassline layered over folk guitar riffs ] …Beyond space&time itself no distance can tear us apart for there lies deep within each heartstrings tied tightly round thy art!!! Soaring high upon wings made from pure devotion’s fire - Unbreakable bonds forged stronger than any desire… [Outro : Gradual fadeout ending w/delicate piano keys fading softly away until silence returns once more...] .. And when at last all things must come to pass yet still remains etched forever afterglow~ Inscribed between heaven&earth eternally now shown.. The unmistakable imprint left behind is how deeply has grown ~ This eternal bond shared solely between two souls entwined beneath starry skies shone.... "Whispers Of A"va reaches its close but lingers long after nightfall has flown....... ...END


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