Whispers of Waves, Echoes of Laughter

"This song is for Crush."

Portuguese Surf Rock
2024-07-15 17:57:56

I want you to stay

[Intro] [Acoustic guitar strumming, upbeat rhythm, light percussion]

In the whispers of the waves, our laughter echoes,
Through the sands of time, where dreams were spoken.
Each tide that rolls, carries stories untold,
In the heart of the ocean, lies our bond, bold.

Beneath the azure sky, where seagulls fly,
Our promises, like the sun, never say goodbye.

Unbreakable, our hearts entwine,
Through storms and sunshine, forever in time.
With every wave, our souls align,
In this surf of life, you're my design.

[Interlude] [Electric guitar solo, upbeat rhythm, passionate melody]

In the dance of the dusk, we found our song,
A melody of trust, where we both belong.
With every breath, we rise, we fall,
In this endless sea, our spirits call.

Under the stars, where secrets are kept,
Our journey together, where we are swept.

Unbreakable, our hearts entwine,
Through storms and sunshine, forever in time.
With every wave, our souls align,
In this surf of life, you're my design.

When the horizon whispers, and the night unfolds,
In the quiet moments, where our stories are told.
I hold onto the rhythm, of our shared rhyme,
In this endless dance, our spirits climb.

Unbreakable, our hearts entwine,
Through storms and sunshine, forever in time.
With every wave, our souls align,
In this surf of life, you're my design.

[Outro] [Acoustic guitar fading, gentle rhythm, soothing melody]



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