
"This song is for Karl."

2024-09-03 19:30:45

Thank you for your endless love and unwavering support

[Intro: Afro-rock rhythm]
[Verse]In the realm of melodies, we dance
A love so deep, a timeless romance
Ten years of bliss, hand in hand
Eternal echoes across the land

[Pre-Chorus]Whispers of dreams intertwined
Laughter echoing through time

[Chorus]Eternal echoes, our symphony sublime
Passion burning like the sun does shine
With Karl by my side, our hearts entwined
In this dance of love, forever aligned

[Interlude: Guitar solo]

[Verse]Shared dreams paint a vivid hue
Resilience in all that we pursue
Every beat echoes our truth
Karl and I—a tapestry woven with youth

[Pre-Chorus]Hearts beating as one in delight
Through trials and triumphs, shining bright

[Chorus]Eternal echoes guide us through the night
Embracing each other's guiding light
Wildly passionate, a love taking flight
In Karl's arms, everything feels right

[Bridge]The bond we share can't be contained
Unwavering support through joy and pain

[Chorus]Eternal echoes in every refrain
Our love story written on life's terrain
Together forever, no need to explain
Karl and I—eternally twined

[Outro: Drum beats fading out]


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